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Outreach at Grace Community

We believe one of the best ways to help accomplish our mission is by intentionally and strategically reaching out to those in our local and global communities with the love of Jesus and developing strong ties with them. By doing this, we help these communities flourish in the ways in which God has created them. With this vision in mind, we invite you to imagine with us what will happen if we not only show up in our communities to do projects, but begin to provide the means to equip, partner with, and support those outside our church walls. Imagine what He can do through each of us, if we begin to see our local and global neighbors as God does, and Reach Out to them with the goal of building long-term relationships based on His love for us all.


  •   Pray for our Missionaries and Missionary Partners

  • Write notes of encouragement

  • Events Coordinator for Local Reach Out Opportunities

  • Liaison to Westford seniors that we serve

  • Join the Leadership Team for Back to School Surprise/Christmas Surprise

  • Join the Leadership Team for the Fall Cleanup

  • Tadmuck housing development team member

  • Donate to Reach Out

  The easiest way to reach out is to Sign Up! We have a variety of opportunities here in our church for you to partner with Reach Out. If you are interested in learning more about Reaching Out feel free to email Pastor Scott at


Here at Grace Community Church, we currently have several missionaries or organizations that we support as they reach out to the communities around us, as well as those that are far away from us.

We trust that God uses our support through prayer and giving, and that He is accomplishing His will throughout the world.


Pontiac, Michigan - Micah 6 Community


Micah 6 Community was founded in 2012 and works to support an under-served community in a northwest suburb of Detroit. The team there carefully surveyed their neighbors, looking for ways to help the neighborhood. They settled on food, growing 1.5 acres of gardens and opening a produce store that employs neighbors. They support neighborhood kids through after school tutoring and summer camp. Micah 6 also has a small church plant that regularly sees 65 people a week, many of whom are homeless or struggling with addiction. 


In 2021, Micah 6 Community will be renovating a vacant elementary school to turn into a community center. They are also preparing to undertake their first housing project, renovating a vacant building in their neighborhood.


OneChild Kenya


OneChild Kenya is a child-sponsorship program devoted to orphans, many of whom were left on the streets without anyone. The program has been active for more than 15 years to rescue orphaned children from an otherwise desperate life, ensuring they are cared for by local guardians, and that they go to school. The support funds given to the program provide support to the guardians for food, clothes, and school uniforms and fees for the children. The intent is to support each one at least through high school and, if higher education is possible, to continue support through that also. Dozens have graduated from both high school and colleges over the past decade; some are now parents, some are elders in churches, and some are even already working to help other homeless street children. It is a privilege to have helped them become godly men and women. Working in partnership with local Kenyan churches and organizations in the Rift Valley of Kenya, we are transforming children’s lives one at a time, giving them a great path to emotional, physical and spiritual vibrancy.


Join us by praying for and sponsoring a child. Contact Michael Fletcher for more information.


Creative Life Foundation


"Our mission is to connect vulnerable and marginalized children and parents in urban and rural Thailand to critical resources that create a path to freedom and prevents human trafficking.

By providing access to education, a path to citizenship, and holistic care, breaking cycles of poverty and exploitation is not only possible—it's happening."

 Learn more at and follow us on social media- Facebook and Instagram. Contact Tim Hupe co-founder | director or Amy Hupe | co-founder for more information. 
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World Outreach Ministries


Bruce & Miriam Saldi have been serving in Bolivia since 1984. Their primary role is the pastoring of a church plant in the city of La Paz. Much effort goes toward the strengthening of the home meetings, creating opportunities for evangelism and discipleship. Presently much of their ministry has been through Zoom and Facebook live. Miriam is very active with the children’s ministry via Zoom. The pandemic has created the need to help several families get by financially. Other ministry responsibilities include an outreach with the Aymara Indians, a Church plant in the mining city of Oruro, as well as many counseling opportunities. Bruce is part of the teaching staff of the Missionary Training School – ECAMM. They have been blessed to be a blessing to Bolivia! Thank you for being part of their ministry!
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Our primary local partners are Living Waters Center of Hope

For more information on these local ministries, contact Scott Miller.


Living Waters Center of Hope


"We are a non-profit organization rooted in Christian practices and dedicated to providing compassionate, personalized support to those in need. We treat each of our guests as an individual, and walk with them through their process of change. Living Waters Center of Hope operates from the core belief that human need has multiple dimensions — physical, social, occupational, emotional and spiritual. Thus, our Center is a respectful, safe community of healing, where people get their basic needs met first. Only then can they re-discover their sense of purpose and connection to society at large."

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International Students Inc.


Margaret Leavister has been working with International Students, Inc at UMass Lowell since 1996. As a way to reach students with the love of Christ, she offers classes in English as a Second Language as well as seeker and discipleship Bible Studies, and helps her students navigate American life. This involves giving rides to medical appointments, shopping, and introducing them to fun activities like apple picking or special church events. When we have in-person worship services, Margaret often brings her students to GCC and invites them to her home for lunch. In partnership with the Chinese Bible Church of Greater Lowell, Margaret participates in their Friday night Student Fellowship, where she also offers an ESL class. She enjoys the creativity of teaching ESL, using many different topics such as American holidays and idioms, to pique their interest. But she especially loves opening God’s Word to students and introducing them to the hope of the gospel and the peace they can experience in Jesus.


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